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Warm Welcome! 

from Master Coach Rebecca Cooley

Hello Lovely Person! 

I am so excited that you have taken this amazing first step to learn more about how my private coaching program can offer you the support and strategies you are looking for!

It is my best guess that you're here because you've tried various other solutions and haven't quite found the solution you seek. My best guess is that you desire a more whole person approach to your goals with help moving through mindset blocks, and a custom solution with personalized support to help you reach your targeted goals. A Program customized just for you.  I get it! I've been there! And I'm here for you! It is my absolute joy in life to partner with people like you! People who are committed to their growth and transformation! 

Wishing you much peace and joy, 


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Have you ever felt anxious about going into a room of strangers that you turned around and went the other way?

Would you rather test out of a public speaking class, then face the thought of having to give speeches for an entire semester?

Was your communication nervousness ever so severe that you created scripts to make a phone call to order pizza? 

Did the thought of going up to a complete stranger ever make you queasy? 

Were you ever terrified that someone would tell a joke and everyone would laugh except you?  

Do you experience fear of being caught off guard in conversation and being stumped?  

Have you kept quiet instead of speaking up because you worried what other people would think of you? 

Did you ever go to a gathering and hope that someone would talk to you because you had no idea what to say? 

Were you certain that everyone in the room was going to notice how awkward you felt inside? 

Have you ever wished that you had a different body, a different personality, a different life? 

Did you ever want the mental chatter to just stop? 

Have you engaged in negative self-talk and beat yourself up?

Have you experienced that emptiness that feels alone and endless? 

Do you know the feeling of not knowing what you want to do with your life and feel disconnected from your purpose? 

Have you felt so low about yourself that you could not connect with yourself or spend time with yourself? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're not alone. I can answer yes to every single question at one point in my life.

My feelings of debilitating anxiety and feelings of discomfort in my emotions and body began such a long time ago. I remember as a small child feeling incredibly self-conscious. At school, I felt awkward and out of place among my peers. In college, my friendships were few and shallow because I was always concerned about what other people thought of me. I was consumed with the thought of messing up and being judged. My thoughts and beliefs kept me isolated and alone and unable to connect deeply.

The anxiety, loneliness, and empty feeling led me from a very young age on a quest to find answers. It began with a quest as a 13 year old to "find happiness". I saw my peers as happy and carefree and I wanted that! 

My journey at that young age began with attending an evening support group at a church. I was mostly surrounded  by adults. We learned yoga, emotional regulation techniques, and meditation. The focus was on peace. I was grateful to find  some relief but continued to suffer.

I kept searching and my journey took me to self-help, psychology, philosophy... Yes I was the 15 year old at the bookstore in the psychology section reading and reading everything I could get my hands on. Anything that would help me find the answer to "how to be happy".

Counseling was also part of my experience and I tried everything from individual to group therapy to classes. I tried various spiritual traditions. At one point I counted....over the course of my life I had taken hundreds of classes and received thousands of hours of training in pursuit of my answer. I took one 8-week class over and over for years. I went across the world to meditation retreat after meditation retreat, spending upwards of ten days in silent meditation. For decades, I spent most of my days in pursuit. Striving for answers. Seeking. 

Then I began to live what I was learning. To Stop Thinking about it and Truly Practice It. Then it began to click. All of it. 

So have I found "the answer" to eternal happiness? 

Not at all. 

BUT, I no longer feel the same anxiety I once did. 

I have made peace with that empty feeling inside. 

I feel a great deal of compassion for those parts of me that hurt. 

I have come to know myself very well. 

I honor myself as a daily practice.

I can delight in spending time with myself and connecting with myself now. 

I feel comfortable in my own skin and am so grateful to my body and connect regularly with it's wisdom instead of fighting it.

I feel solid in me. 

I know who I am and know there is no one like me. 

I face my fears as a daily practice. 

I feel deeply connected to others. 

I feel proud of who I am and this confidence shines. 

I have come to trust myself. 

I trust my inner voice. 

I know I can handle it. Whatever "it" is.

I offer compassion to myself and practice radical self-acceptance. 

I extend this compassion to others. 

I have stopped judging myself. 

I challenge false beliefs. 

I can distinguish truth from conditioning and programming that I had carried with me all my life. 

I can easily access total quietude and relief from the mental chatter. 

I love connecting with people in any way, through one on one conversation or teaching large classes. 

I know my purpose and am grateful every day for my life.

I can now say I am grateful for all of the circumstances in my life that prompted me to seek, to learn, to practice, and most importantly to share.

I discovered that it wasn't about how much I learned or how much I practiced...

Although my journey involves a lot of both...

I discovered that it was about turning inward and discovering that the root of all my issues was internal. 

And cultivating the courage to look deeply and address the root rather than the symptom.

And it is my honor to join you on your journey as you too, gently and at your own pace, discover your own roots.

It is my honor to walk with you and share what I have learned and to offer help if you have struggle as I struggled. I don't want you to suffer if there are things I can do to help. 

I offer help by learning about you, understanding your struggles, and synthesizing~ my lifetime of learning and practicing~ into easy to use personalized methods just for you.

It is my heart's desire to offer the relief I can and help you find your own peace and joy. 

I truly feel we are in this together. 

I want this for you. 

If I can do it, you can do it.



Customized. Personalized. Just for You. ​

Master Coach Rebecca Cooley creates a powerful experience with a constant focus on you and your personal and professional goals.

She customizes each program with you in mind and provides accountability, perspective, and motivation to help you achieve results. 

She does this through a unique and highly transformative combination of training, coaching, and support.

Using a whole person custom approach to coaching, Rebecca facilitates a deliberate and thoughtful process to help you identify the themes that serve as the undercurrent of your high-level goals. 

She shares proven strategies to help you move through obstacles so that you can achieve your goals, and offers you targeted coaching and training on your area of improvement.

She is committed to you every step of the way and provides ongoing support and encouragement as you continue to develop mastery.

Rebecca pulls from over a decade of experience coaching and training managers and executives from Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies.

She has taught hundreds of classes and assisted thousands of people.

Most importantly, she is the coach that has walked the walk... She has been there. She knows and has experienced what you are going through. She has devoted her life to finding solutions to her own social anxiety, depression, nervousness, feelings of emptiness and disconnection from herself and others, debilitating fear, and feeling a lack of purpose and fulfillment. For over 25 years and over 1000 hours of training, she sought out and discovered so many strategies that have helped her connect more authentically with herself and others, move into her courageous life, with much more peace and fulfillment. 

And she is committed to sharing these usable and synthesized strategies with you so you too can move into your courageous life full of peace and enjoyment. 


She continues her commitment to learning and has a strong foundation of 25 years of research and training in a variety of disciplines and methods from which to pull from to offer you applicable strategies and tools.

Rebecca is here for you as your partner, your coach, and your Catalyst for Change! ​

Click here for Rebecca's full bio.


The results are in! Catalyst Partners share their individual results from partnering with Rebecca: 































My focus is on helping people find solutions and offer strategies to intrinsic goals as well as offering expert skills training.

My partners usually come to me in search of skill-based solutions to public speaking, communication, interview skill building, or career change.

But they also come to me knowing that the issue is more complicated than skills alone.

They know their solution will also involve addressing emotions such as anxiety, confidence, nervousness, insecurity.

So we start there. As the program progresses we move into skill building.  One step at a time.

A wonderful Catalyst Partner of mine comes to mind…

We’ll call her Alice. Alice reached out to me because she was having difficult communicating and connecting with her supervisor of 7 years.

The situation had escalated and she found herself feeling insecure on a regular basis and at odds, often engaging in conflicting communication.

When she met with me the first time, the relationship had deteriorated into distrust.

As we began our process, Alice was determined and committed to doing whatever was needed. She knew the issue was about communication but also about her emotions...

At those early stages, what was needed was her honesty with herself and her willingness to look at her part. She was willing to do both.

Because of that, she was committed to the self-reflection and homework that I suggested.

She began to build her own feelings of self-worth and confidence through self-compassion work. Gradually, Alice was able to extend that compassion to her supervisor.

She began to practice the suggested communication techniques I offered and in time began to rebuild the trust between her and her supervisor.

From Alice’s reports and updates, the trust was being rebuilt on both sides.

Her success was a combination of her doing the work, her commitment, and her willingness to recognize that communication skills are much more complex than skill building. I’m so proud of her!

While Alice’s success is very personalized to her, I have helped hundreds of other partners over the years reach their own personal and professional success.

Another wonderful Catalyst Partner comes to mind...

We'll call him Jim. 

Jim was a supervisor at a large non-profit organization. Each week he was required to give an update at the leadership team meeting. Often he would speak as little as possible, and tried not to be noticed. Jim initially reached out to me for help with professional public speaking and communication. Although his primary goal was to communicate with more ease, his secondary goal was to increase confidence in himself, and to learn strategies for reducing nervousness when speaking up. He had ideas but never shared them because of fear. Through the course of the program with me, Jim committed himself to reducing his negative self-talk, identifying his beliefs about himself and others, and doing things everyday that helped him face his fears. By the end of the program, Jim had established himself as a vocal and contributing member of the leadership team. He knew his ideas were valuable not because others were telling him so, but because he had built his internal confidence and he came to know his own worth. Go Jim! 

It is my forever honor to do this amazing work with my partners. I am so grateful to be able to help people find peace, find compassion, and find confidence in themselves.


"The key to the program was the lovework and taking the time to complete it. Taking that little time to love yourself and honor yourself and stop the negativity. It's amazing how your entire perspective of everything can shift- personally and professionally. It was truly the key for me making such a huge shift. I realize now that I needed to come into my confidence before I could swipe away [my beliefs about others]. I had to go into myself first, own who I am, be comfortable with who I am. The lovework helped me do that, and being more compassionate, allowing myself to make a mistake, not beat myself up, give myself the space to not be perfect, take the lessons I learned and move forward. I have become more self-aware, trusting of my instincts, tuning into my inner voice, owning myself and feeling comfortable in my own skills. I now go into the room as myself, and face my fears. I feel brave, assertive. I just didn’t see it before, I was looking for applause in other people, but now I don’t need their validation to feel whole. When I stopped seeking it from other people and started giving it to myself -it helped me work through my own insecurities. I stopped comparing myself to others, and began celebrating my own little accomplishments, embracing my own idea of success."



"I spent several sessions with Rebecca to prepare. Her guidance, insights, and recommendations made all the difference. Her coaching is straightforward and illuminating--she can discern one's strengths and weakness and propose just the right regimen."


"I would highly recommend Rebecca Cooley! We hired her to coach our speakers for an event, which included general presentation skills and timing. She was great about keeping me informed on their progress and making suggestions about the overall theme of the content to ensure the speakers were heading in the right direction (I was not in the sessions, as they were private between her and the speaker). At the event, the speakers were all amazing and we had a large number of comments on their exceptional speaking ability. So clearly, the coaching worked! In fact, I have already spoken to Rebecca about hiring her for another upcoming speaker event.
-Courtney Edwards

"How do you prepare for a job interview when you have no idea what questions will be asked? Rebecca helped me do just that! The tools and tips she gave me were great. I walked into the room feeling prepared to answer any question I would be asked. I felt more confident than I ever have entering the room where the interview took place, and it was the first time ever that I left a job interview feeling that I gave adequate answers to the questions asked. I highly recommend Rebecca Cooley; she taught me some valuable strategies that I will be able to use in my future endeavors."

-A. E.​​ ​

"Through working with Rebecca, I have more clearly defined what I enjoy in life and what I want to get out of life. With that I have developed goals to pursue the things that I truly value. Rebecca then helped me define manageable action steps to get from point A to point B with accountability that helped me break the complicated wishes and desires into tangible steps for which I could take immediate action. The profound take away I had was to sit down and look at different facets of my life to identify my core values. I accomplished this through focus and by becoming more mindful of my feelings and emotions.  During each of our conversations, Rebecca demonstrated a true sense of genuineness. Her no judgment approach encouraged me to dream big. And with big dreams have come new and exciting opportunities.  My confidence has soared and my jovial, fun, and charismatic  personality emerged — I have become more of the me I want to be."

-J. Kenney

"I wanted To let you know that today I got an offer for my dream job and couldn't be happier. Thank you so much for your help because without it I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten close."


​​​"Thank you Rebecca for showing me a different perspective ...Your professional coaching has been very inspiring and beneficial to me. It can also be to those who welcome a change in their lives ...Your skills and knowledge was the trump card I needed to move forward in a more precise direction and it has enhanced my life. Thank you again.​"

-A. F.



"Rebecca is truly objective and best intentioned in bringing out

one's true journey or nature in life."

-Trish Kelly Belock



"Rebecca's coaching is straightforward and illuminating--she can discern one's strengths and weakness and propose just the right regimen to improve one's relationship with oneself and the world in which he or she interacts. I wholeheartedly endorse her work as a life coach."




"You are amazing. I am amazed at your commitment to me. I have to truly say, no one has done so much for me. I am grateful to you."


View More Testimonials!


  • Master Private Coaching & Training with Rebecca Cooley

    • Master Certified Coach Rebecca Cooley has offered coaching and training ​for over a decade! She holds an MPA with a focus on strategic leadership, a Certification as a Master Coach, and has over 1000 hours of formal training in strategies to help you break through mindset blocks so you can reach your goals.

  • Six private coaching sessions with Rebecca including a 90-minute Intro Session and Assessment 

    • Each session with Rebecca​ is a highly transformative experience where she helps you get clear about what you want and how to get there. She asks questions, offers perspective and guidance, holds you accountable, and shares strategies to help you move through any blocks getting between you and your goals. Sessions are 60-minutes and offered in person at Rebecca's office in Cary, NC or by Skype.

  • Results-focused custom coaching and training for your specific goals (Learn more about the specific programs and results here)

    • Each program is catered to you and your goals. While there are common themes that Rebecca has helped her partners over the last decade, like build confidence, reduce public speaking nervousness, clarify my goals, find joy and peace, feel more comfortable with others, improve my speaking or interview skills... No two people have exactly the same goals. Rebecca is an expert coach able to meet you where you are ​and craft a program that delivers the solutions and results you seek. 

  • A whole person integrative-solution approach to coaching ​​

    • Each program with Rebecca takes you as a whole person into account. As a Master Coach, Rebecca knows that public speaking skills or interview skills for most people may involve reducing nervousness or building confidence. She knows that most skill building programs have an intrinsic or emotional component. She guides you through a process of discovering the common themes in various areas of your personal and professional life, looking at your whole person, so you can feather out any blocks and achieve the lasting change you seek.

  • Training in proven strategies  

    • ​Master Coach Rebecca Cooley has studied a myriad of disciplines for over 25 years. She has been formally and informally trained for over 1000 hours in various techniques, methods, strategies to help you break through any mindset blocks, learn skill-related strategies, and reach your goals. ​

  • Custom homework to help you reach your goals

    • Using her uniquely attuned ability to get to know her partners, Rebecca can hone in expertly to the underlying themes that may be blocking you or the activities that may be the most helpful for you to reach your goals. She offers you specific personalized homework that helps you progress quickly. ​

  • An individual assessment of your learning style and personality type to further customize the program for you

    • As a Master Coach, Rebecca knows that each person is unique and has a specific learning style and personality that she needs to know to create the most custom program and custom homework. ​

  • Built in assessments throughout the program to give you and your coach insight into your measured progress 

    • Rebecca is laser focused on your goals throughout the program so that you attain the highest level of progress possible. Rebecca is committed to checking in with you at each session and at milestone sessions to ensure that you are receiving everything you need and receiving the most out of the program. 

  • Accountability and Motivation Coaching to help you stay on track to reaching your goals

    • As your coach, Rebecca is here as an accountability partner to help you reach your goals. Her accountability focus is on empowering you and incorporating motivational strategies throughout your program. 

  • Access to the online Master Course relating to your program (includes 6 modules and 36 lessons) with weekly Q&A to accompany the group class ($1200 Value)

    • Wow! ​As part of your Private Coaching Program with Rebecca, you receive access to a supplemental online course that gives additional instruction on the topics you may not be able to get to in your private coaching with Rebecca. 36-48 instructional lessons offered as recordings that you can listen to anytime anywhere. The course comes with weekly Q&A, an additional way to stay in touch with Rebecca and get the most out of your program.

  • Two Live Group Calls per month ($600 Value)

    • Throughout the program, you may have questions and seek additional time with Rebecca. Twice a month, Rebecca is available for live group calls to answer questions from her partners and students. 

  • Access to the private group 

    • The private online group gives you an opportunity for you to stay in touch with Rebecca and a community of like-minded individuals. This is where you can offer support to others, and receive support ​for your progress. You also receive regular inspiration and motivation from Rebecca. 

  • BONUS: Half Day with Rebecca each month (Doing Workshop, Practice Session, Time with Rebecca) offered in person at Rebecca's Office and through group conference call ($900 Value)

    • Over the past decade, Rebecca's partners have been so excited about getting to spend extra time with her, whether it was extra time with her to complete their lovework, time to practice with her and a group at her office or by conference call, or time to talk to her and ask her questions. Rebecca is so excited to spend time with her partners during these Half Days!

  • BONUS: One Ticket to one Live in-person Evolve Personal Transformation Retreat per year ($600 Value)

    • This Retreat is one of Rebecca's joys in life! It gives her a chance to meet with her partners she hasn't yet met in person. ​During the Evolve Retreat, you get to participate in a highly transformative experience to continue your integrative work and mindset breakthroughs to help you reach your highest potential.

  • My Gift to You: Monthly virtual CARE Packages from your Coach

    • Each month, you will receive a care package from Rebecca shared only with her people. It will include inspirational video messages, and special gifts for you. 


The 3-month Catalyst Coaching Program $3497  

Awaken Your Confidence

Ignite Your Spark

Be the Catalyst



I offer a guarantee to all of my private coaching partners. If after completing all parts of your program, including the completion of the online course, you have not found value from the program, just let me know. I will offer you a money back guarantee minus any non-refundable missed appointment fees. I stand by my service and am confident in the value I offer my Catalyst Partners. 



STEP 1: Choose Your Path (Click on your path below to Learn More)

STEP 2: Click the Button Below and Say yes to reserve a limited spot to jump on a Catalyst Call with Master Coach Rebecca Cooley and gain access to Rebecca's Private Calendar to schedule your free call and get started on achieving your goals and getting the support you need right away!

An Important  Note from Rebecca...

Hello Wonderful Person, 

I want to help you Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be by...

making myself available to a very small number of people, to jump on a call with you and: 

  • Figure out exactly what is holding you back and any roadblocks that are in the way for you and your goals.

  • Discuss how you can make progress in a major area of your personal or professional life. 

  • Address how to resolve your biggest mindset challenge.

  • Then I’ll help you create a Catalyst Plan to help you get results in the fastest time possible…

So you can be confident in knowing exactly what you need to do in the next 30 days… To start breaking free and start being the Catalyst that you are...

So Why Would I Do This? 
It’s important to know why I am making myself available to you for free…and not charging my regular rate for a coaching call. 
The first reason is because I want to help wonderful people like yourself when I can. It is my passion in life to be able to assist people on this part of their journey .... with mindset breakthroughs to help them get where they want to be. 
The second reason I am making you this generous offer for free is because…it’s also how I attract my dream clients. 
So, if at the end of your Catalyst Call, you feel that I can help you and that you might be a good fit for one of my programs…
We can discuss what that looks like and if you’d like to take a step further so we can work together more closely in 2019. 
You’re also free to leave at the end of the call with your step by step strategy mapped out ...To help you make serious movement toward your goals, and reduce any mental blocks interfering with your goals in the next 30 days. 

I do need to let you know that due to time limitations… 
This opportunity is extremely limited. So, with that being said…
Please understand that the window of opportunity to secure one of these limited spots won’t be open for long. 

Registering for your Catalyst Call:
1. Once you have completed the Registration Form, use the link at the bottom of the form to complete your reservation and reserve your complimentary Catalyst Call with me. This form will take you to my private calendar to book your Call with me. You will see some availability starting mid-May. I will only be taking a few number of Catalyst Calls due to time limitations. If I am booked for this week, I will send you an email to let you know so that you can reschedule. 
2. If you have a question about the program or Catalyst Call, please let me know. Send your email to 

I'm looking forward to connecting with you soon and offering you the support you need. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! 
Wishing you much peace and joy, 



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